International German Genealogy Partnership

May 18-22, 2024 IGGP Research Trip, Fort Wayne, IN

Genealogy Center EntranceThe IGGP research trip is for self-directed research. While there is no formal schedule of activities planned, we have informed the Genealogy Center of our arrangements for May 18-22, and they will welcome and assist you in your research.
The discounted hotel rate is guaranteed for May 18 (arriving) through May 22 (departing). The two hotels where rooms are available are a short walk from the Allen County Public Library. If you want more time in Fort Wayne for research, you must book personally as instructed on the flyer.
We invite you to research your family at the Genealogy Center of the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne. Those who traveled to the 2023 IGGP international conference are familiar with the wealth of resources available at the Genealogy Center, one of the top genealogy libraries in the U.S.
For more information, see the IGGP research trip flyer.

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Larry Jensen2023 Conference: Wrapup

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The International German Genealogy Partnership (IGGP) is a group of partner societies interested in German Genealogy. The partnership is a network to share ideas, contacts, research information and resources, to help our members trace their Germanic heritage, wherever it is found. We facilitate German genealogy research globally as the internationally recognized federation of German genealogy organizations.

“Uniting German Genealogy Researchers Worldwide”

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